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NRM 5303 Forest Products Marketing (3 credits)

In today's competitive market, effective written and oral communication skills are paramount. This course is specifically designed to equip students with the skills necessary to apply marketing concepts in forest products. The strategic use of digital and social media marketing will also be emphasized. Application will be highlighted through real-life examples and industry experts as guest speakers relating course work to the day-to-day business operations in the forest products sector.

Affiliated with Master of Science in Forest Resources and Graduate Certificate in Forest Business at University of Arkansas at Monticello.


WSE 455/555 Industrial Marketing in the Forest Sector (4 credits)

Marketing and innovation rely heavily on effective communication, so this course concentrates on written and oral communication. The course will arm the students with the skills necessary to apply basic concepts of marketing and innovation in the renewable materials industries.  Application will be highlighted through examples and industry speakers relating coursework to the day-to-day work in renewable materials business.

Affiliated with Master of Science and PhD in Wood Science at Oregon State University.

Guest Lectures

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THH1231 Bahan Konstruksi Kayu (Wood Construction Material)

IPB University, Indonesia, 2023


WGSS 440 Women and Natural Resources

Oregon State University, USA, 2019

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©2019 by Pipiet Larasatie. The views and opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Virginia Tech.

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